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Narelle Autio
Baxter, Virginia. “The Sea is in Them”, Artlink, 24:3, 2004, pp. 28–33
Baxter, Virginia. “At the end of the day”, RealTime, 91, June-July, 2009, p. 54
Crombie, Isobel. Light Sensitive: Contemporary Australian Photography from the Loti Smorgan Fund,, Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2006
Lundelin, Kari. World Press Photo Yearbook 2001, New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001
Lundelin, Kari. World Press Photo Yearbook 2002, ed. Kari Lundelin, New York: Thames & Hudson, 2002
Parke, Trent and Autio, Narelle. The Seventh Wave, Kirribilli: Hot Chilli Press, 2000