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Jay Younger

"The context of being a woman, an artist and a Queenslander has most often fuelled the agendas in my practice. In earlier work there is very much a feminist concern of trying to understand how the female subject occupies space, her position and how she is held and contained or enabled to move. Each project has distinct aims within critical practice thereby sidestepping stylistic coherence with a diverse range of strategies and visual languages employed to engage with the experiment at hand. Behaviour is a key curiosity whether human or material. The Spindoctors Mirage experiments with smoke as an uncontrollable material that takes form, literally, depending on which way the wind blows, while in Trance of the Swanky Lump documentary footage of expressions of women consumers shopping for diamonds is projected with a chaotic crowd of 60 motorised bump-n-go pink stilettos. Generally the work, whether it takes form as photography or installation, forms a hypothetical scenario. Polemic synthesis as a notion of positing different viewpoints in tension between a matrix of oppositional forces is my chosen vehicle for asking questions about the human subject immersed in the conflicting agendas of politicised space."

(Jay Younger 2006)