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Brook Andrew

“Who we are and how we consume at the turn of the century makes me wonder why we adore ourselves so much. The obligations most individuals from the west have today with multiple global identity and cultural politics resembles somewhat a locust on heat.

Focusing on the intensions of the mass electronic and published media I aim to interrogate contemporary culture, teasing from populism to spew forth ironic takes on globalism. Mixing and representing cultural identities from Australia, neighbouring countries of Asia and the Americas. Our obsession/anxiety with artificial and popular constructs of Australian Aboriginal and other cultures, celebrity, personality, war supremacy, revolution & spiritual fulfilment are manifest through mass media/cultural activity lighting up our lives with popular (mostly singular) illusions and extrusions of something that is not always us/me.

In times of global (dis)comfort, the most successful slogan reveals more than popular visual product. It is able to camouflage issues of mass cultural and personal collision. The best culture/lifestyle commonly projected does not infer all of us, yet within the construct there is a will to do so."

(Brook Andrew 2006)